Programme 2015



Lecturer Lecture Date
Reto Aschwanden Composing – a new approach?
Juraj Brabec
Ľuboš Kekely Blockade in endgame study
Michal Hlinka Stalemate and 3 pieces in a pin
Štefan Sovík New theme in twomover
Marián Križovenský Chess diagrams on the web
Ján Golha My composition
Tichomír Hernádi My composition
Ladislav Salai ml. Purposely being a plagiarist
Juraj Lörinc Proca retractors
Emil Klemanič H#2 and emigration
Bedrich Formánek Capriccio twomover



19.8.2015 Wednesday
14:00 24:00 early arrival
15:00 announcement of composing tourneys
18:00 dinner
19:00 22:00 free discussion
22:00 movie Geri´s Game (USA, 1997, 5 min)
22:05 movie xxx

20.8.2015 Thursday
8:00 breakfast
9:00 12:00 arrival and registration
12:00 lunch
13:00 welcome speech
14:00 18:00 lectures
18:00 dinner
19:30 solving quick show
free composing
22:00 movie xxx

21.8.2015 Friday
8:00 breakfast
9:00 12:00 lectures
12:00 lunch
14:00 18:00 lectures
18:00 dinner
19:30 fairy solving competition
free composing
22:00 movie xxx

22.8.2015 Saturday
8:00 breakfast
9:00 11:00 10. WCCT (for Slovakian participants only!)
11:30 lunch
12:30 18:30 excursion
19:00 dinner
19:30 21:00 composing and finalizing for the tourneys
21:00 deadline for composing tourneys
22:00 movie xxx

23.8.2015 Sunday
8:00 breakfast
9:00 11:00 prize-giving
11:00 12:00 free discussion and closing the festival
12:00 lunch
13:00 departure of participants

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